
Canvas & luster paper – the highest quality in Art Printing

Big poster prints can make a big impression. Your artwork or photographs deserve the attention you put into them. The output of the image should be as good if not better then the input. Archival materials and inks are all we use and we have a wide variety of stock to choose from. Amity Studio has dedicated design and customer service personnel to assist you with your project. Color Adjustment and specialized cropping are some of the no cost services we offer. Artwork, posters and large photographs can be printed as well as mounted on foam core board. 

Does your image need to be retouched color corrections, brightness before final output. Retouching is very specific, sit down with our digital artist and allow him to create the image you need. Do you need your final image framed? We have an in house custom framing department. Amity Studio can complete your printing job for you. From design to print we can assist you.

The final print information is kept on file. This ensure that future prints maybe ordered quickly and accurately matched to the original.

You can order multiple prints in new sizes and on new papers. Reprints for family or friends make great gifts!

Shop into The Frame Shop to see how we can transform your everyday image into a beautiful work of art!